Het themanummer ‘Dood & Troost’ van het Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift is gepubliceerd!

Dit dubbele themanummer verkent de complexe samenhang van dood en troost vanuit theologisch, filosofisch en godsdienstwetenschappelijk perspectief.

Hieronder vindt u de Engelse samenvatting van het artikel dat van mijn hand komt, ‘Eschatologische hoop: Moderne doodsbeleving en theologie in dialoog’:

“Eschatological Hope: Modern Mourning Rituals and Theology in dialogue.

Decline of religious affiliation is a reality in Dutch society. Many people only identify partially with doctrines of faith. As contexts change, death rites are transformed and need to be ‘translated’ to be meaningful to people. Such a process of reinvention and recontextualization is difficult, as it demands a dialogue between two very different fields that influence contemporary death rites: first, the field of theology, and second, the field of contemporary lived practices and attitudes surrounding death. This article confronts mourning rituals and the traditional Christian repertoire on two topics: resurrection and the immortality of the soul. By doing so, it aims at starting a dialogue between modern mourning rituals and theology.”



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